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Author: RedLightning-N7S

Part 2 - Assault : Team Aegohr
Captain Kirrahe with salarian Special Task Group discovered Saren's krogan breeding facility on Virmire. With limited resources surviving the wave of Geth attack while securing the perimeter.
Normandy's crew has finally arrived and now we all can prepare for the final assault! Shepard will go on with his own team Shadow sneaking in at the back of the base, Kirrahe will lead the team Mannovai to provide distraction but we also need one of Shepard's soldiers to accompany our team Aegohr bringing the nuke.
Let us begin, hold the line men!
Characters & Weapons:
1x Salarian Engineer with Venom
2x Salarian Infiltrators with Valiants
1x Human Female Soldier (Ashley) with Saber or 1x Human Male Sentinel (Kaidan) with Wraith
Map: Firebase Trinity
Enemy: Geth
Difficulty: Platinum
Special Conditions: The team must get 5 waves survived medal. Choose either Ashley or Kaidan for the team but they don't have to extract, missiles are allowed only while the objective is active! No missiles during extraction. Geth Scanners and Armored Compartments are not allowed!
Squad1: NinjaSuperiority, Standgeblase, RedLightning-N7S, Just3ven-N7S screen
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