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Authors: yveska1 & CrisRodgz-N7S

The Alliance had intel on a rogue scientist funded by batarian interests trying to set up a facility to develop illegal AI technology out in the Verge, but the Council wanted a Spectre involved. As a compromise, Captain Anderson was assigned to help Saren in his investigation. They tracked the scientist to a refining facility on Camala. He was hidden away somewhere inside, protected by an army of mercenaries...
"The plan was simple, sneak into the plant, capture the scientist, sneak back out. Quick, quiet, and a minimum of bloodshed."
"I'm guessing things didn't go as planned?"
1x Human Vanilla Soldier (Anderson),
1x Turian Sentinel (Saren)
- For Anderson: Non-Spectre weapons
(no Wraith, Black Widow nor Paladin)
- For Saren: Non-human weapons
Collector, Cerberus and Geth weaponry not allowed.
Reegar Carbine, Venom Shotgun, Particle Rifle and
Geth Scanner not allowed.
Map: Firebase Ghost Hazard
Enemy: Cerberus
Difficulty: Gold or Platinum
Bonus Requirements (for Platinum):
- Only Saren can use missiles (Armored Compartments allowed)
- Team must earn 3 Killstreaks medal
Squad1: yveska1 & CrisRodgz-N7S screen
Squad2: NinjaSuperiority & TheNightSlasher screen
Squad3: The_Doctor46N7 & x3lander screen | video
Squad4: bialakawa & Shady screen
Squad5: eng59land &JadeDragonMTR-N7 video
Squad6: alonso_b_me & burningcherry video
Squad7: zapfacid-N7S & Gran_Calc-N7S video1 | video2
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