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Author: Bingbangpoe-N7S

To be able to see the Galaxy through the eyes of so many beings, and pass it on to another, that is the true beauty of our gift. Others may look down upon what we are, but this is only because they are blind, until they meet us. To meet us they must know of us. Together we reach out for the beauty of the stars. Together we will Embrace Eternity!
This Challenge is dedicated to Aya/Avina,
the heart of our community, who will be forever alive in our hearts.
• Asari Vanguard with the M-11 Wraith Shotgun
• Asari Adept Justicar with the Acolyte
• Asari Valkyrie Sentinel with the Venom Shotgun
• Asari Huntress Infiltrator with the Black Widow
Map: Firebase Glacier
Enemy: Cerberus
Difficulty: Platinum
Special Conditions:
• Only 1 Missile allowed per Waves (1 to 10).
• Players must shoot all their remaining Missile Launchers in the air as fireworks when about to extract on Wave 11.
Squad1: CrisRodgz-N7S, littlebird-N7S, heLLion-N7S, DrunkDriver10 screen
Squad2: JohnBorrows, Sonashii, larsdt, DieWasserpest screen
Squad3: dglammers-N7S, bixente-Mal, Draco25240-N7S, RedLightning-N7S video
Squad4: ConsensusVoice, Aarala, bialakawa, Twilistere-N7S video | video
Squad5: TheNightSlasher, Vormav-N7S, ConsensusVoice, Capta1nAsh-N7S video
Squad6: SiLenT N7S, MidnightTheOx, e debs, Lord 0f Bricks-N7S video
Squad7: bialakawa, ConsensusVox-N7S, Shady-N7S, Vanguard-N7S video1 | video2
Squad8: FruitsPS, FatBlastoN7/SkinnyBlastoN7, Parag-N7S, BergsterR6-N7S video
Squad9: Prof_Boris-N7S, Simulate, Verrrkink, yvetteeeeee-N7S video
Squad10: Moghu, Verrrkink, MasonJay24, Steelwolf89-N7S video
Squad11: SiLenT N7S, SteelWolf89, e debs N7S, Purple-N7S video
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