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Author: Bingbangpoe-N7S
After Mordin Solus sacrificed himself to cure the Genophage, the Krogans finally found a meaning to preserve live and fight for the future of their children. Urdnot Wrex, the leader of his kind, and Grunt, his right-arm, joined Commander Shepard against his fight against the Reapers and aid him in retaking Earth. But first, they would have to deal with an eminent invasion from the Reaper's forces in their homeplanet.
Strength and Honor
Characters: Wrex (Krogan Vanguard), Grunt (Krogan Soldier)
Weapons: Claymore, Graal Spike Thrower
Map: Firebase Giant
Enemy: Reapers
Difficulty: Platinum
Squad1: Just3ven-N7S & Oyo-N7S screen
Squad2: Sen-N7S & Valkurion45 screen
Squad3: isma-lopez & Fyracor-N7S screen
Squad4: RedLightning-N7S & AsariAzure-N7S screen
Squad5: Just3ven-N7S & RedLightning-N7S screen
Squad6: KanyeSEast & Xarlez screen
Squad7: yveska1 & CrisRodgz-N7S screen
Squad8: PapaJester & Suzanne-N7S screen
Squad9: NinjaSuperiority & TheNightSlasher screen
Squad10: Dreadh0und-N7S & Ody-N7S screen
Squad11: The_Doctor46N7 & x3lander screen
Squad12: Zelisificat-N7S, Ody-N7S screen | video
Squad13: SenorZanahoria & yvettee-N7S video | video
Squad14: heLLion-N7S & bialakawa screen
Squad15: TheNightSlasher & SenorZanahoria video1 | video2
Squad16: eng59land & JadeDragonMTR-N7S video
Squad17: SiLenT N7S & e debs N7S video
Squd18: zapfacid-N7S & Gran_Calc-N7S video1 | video2
Squad19: meh-N7S & Gran_Calc-N7S video
Squad20: SiLenT N7S & Lord 0f Bricks N7S video
Squad20: Ody-N7S & biegoo-N7S video
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