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Author: Avina-N7S
To prove themselves worthy, when quarians of the Migrant Fleet reach young adulthood, they must leave the Migrant Fleet and search the galaxy for something of value. According to reports of Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, and rumors, some Geth on Noveria that were left behind self improved and became independant by salvaging reaper tech. With this rate of progress, they could become threat to the citadel and the council. Four young quarians decide to investigate the case, believing that such mission could be of great importance to the Migrant Fleet, as it could play role in restoring the long lost seat in the citadel embassy. But are the young quarians prepared to face what their ancesstors created?
Characters: 4x Quarians (each different)
Map: Glacier or White
Enemy: Geth
Difficulity: Platinum
Reegar Carbine not allowed
Squad1: (White) Teran-N7S, Avina-N7S, AsariAzure-N7S, Just3ven-N7S (data lost)
Squad2: (White) Oyo-N7S, Sen-N7S, Valkurion45, Asmesx screen
Squad3: (White) RedLightning-N7S, Qven, Oyo-N7S, ValerioME3 screen
Squad4: (White) Qven, RoystonVasey63, sgt_Thumper1, ValerioME3 screen
Squad5: (White) Avina-N7S, CelticCookie-N7S, PapaJester, KingFurykiller screen
Squad6: (Glacier) Achion-N7S, aznitrous-N7S, PapaJester, CanadianAdam screen
Squad7: (Glacier) Qven, GeminiTech, Standgeblase, ValerioME3 screen
Squad8: (White) CelticCookie-N7S, BadMojo-N7S, isma-lopez, Fyracor-N7S screen | video
Squad9: (White) aznitrous-N7S, Fyracor-N7S, Nailus_Kryik_rus, isma-lopez screen
Squad10: (White) aznitrous-N7S, Achion-N7S, hodonkain-N7S, CrisRodgz-N7S screen
Squad11: (Hazard White) Ody-N7S, gucarle-N7S, VisibleGhost-N7S, Fooldah92 screen
Squad12: (White) Ody-N7S, VisibleGhost-N7S, Marinara908, Onomatopoeia-N7S screen | video
Squad13: (White) Capta1nAsh, NaraXen, Ody-N7S, dglammers-N7S video
Squad14: (White) Boskmann-1, Twilistere, QuakeSoc-N7S, Ody-N7S video
Squad15: (White) Twilistere-N7S, ConsensusVoice, Vormav-N7S, bialakawa video
Squad16: (White) ExLo05-N7S, burningcherry, trigg321-N7S, Szanto15 screen | video
Squad17: (Glacier) ExLo05-N7S, TheNightSlasher, Shady, burningcherry video
Squad18: (White) SiLenT N7S, e debs, Lord 0f Bricks-N7S, MidnightTheOx video
Squad19: ItsMessenger-N7S, TransferOrbit, Winters067, BergsterR6-N7S video
Squad20: SiLenT N7S, Lord 0f Bricks N7S, SkullyBoii, Harbinger N7S video
Squad 21: SiLenT N7S, Lord 0f Bricks N7S,SteelWolf89-N7S, N7 Vermin video
Squad22: Moghu, Verrrkink, MasonJay24, Steelwolf89-N7S video
Squad23: biegoo-N7S, Simulate-N7S, Bricks-N7S, PowerfulMind512 video
Squad24: Ody-N7S, Shady-N7S, SnowChickenLord-N7S, Starick4 video
Squad25: SiLenT N7S, SteelWolf89, Purple-N7S, e debs N7S video
Squad26: SiLent N7S, Bricks-N7S, e debs N7S, GnarlyFartz video
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