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Author: Bingbangpoe-N7S

After discovering an ancient and mysterious dreadnought known as Sovereign, Saren Arterius was changed forever. Through the ancient Reaper, he learns the fate of the many civilizations of eons past. Instead of using Sovereign as a weapon, as he had intended, Saren makes it his goal to save the races of the galaxy by aiding the Reapers, proving the worth of organics to the Reapers so that they might be spared. He believes that servitude is the logical answer, instead of instinctively fighting to the finish. Aided by Matriach Benezia, a powerful Asari biotic and a spiritual leader, Saren sets the first part of his mission into motion: find a way to control the Geth. Either by persuasion or by force, which seems to be the latter. (This Challenge takes place before the events of Mass Effect 1)
Fight to Control
Characters: 1x Turian Sentinel (Saren),
1x Asari Adept Justicar (Matriarch Benezia)
Map: Firebase Reactor Hazard
Enemy: Geth
Difficulty: Platinum
Reegar Carbine and Cerberus Harrier are not allowed
Squad1: Avina-N7S & aznitrous-N7S screen
Squad2: PapaJester & aznitrous-N7S screen | video
Squad3: yveska1 & CrisRodgz-N7S screen
Squad4: NinjaSuperiority & TheNightSlasher screen
Squad5: The_Doctor46N7 & x3lander screen
Squad6: RedLightning-N7S & Standgeblase screen | video
Squad7: heLLion-N7S & bialakawa screen | video
Squad8: SiLenT N7S & JheregJose-N7S video
Squad9: SenorZanahoria-N7S & yvetteeeeeee-N7S video 1 | video 2
Squad10: eng59land & JadeDragonMTR-N7S video
Squad11: TheNightSlasher-N7S & SenorZanahoria-N7S video
Squad12: Vormav-N7S & yyrael-N7S video 1 | video 2
Squad13: zapfacid-N7S, Gran_Calc-N7S video 1 | video 2
Squad14: SiLenT N7S & e debs N7S video
Squad15: FatBlasto-N7S & gallowlane-N7S video
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