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Spark of Hope

Author: aznitrous




She leaned back against a cold wall of what once used to be a store – a store in what once used to be one of the most beautiful cities of what once used to be her homeworld.
"I’ve always wanted to travel to London" she said, her voice trembling. "But I never expected it to be like this."
"Neither did I. It used to be a wonderful place." He was sitting right next to her, staring into the black sky of dust and smoke, lit by red flashes of fire and explosions. He has traveled the world through and through, and has seen the most breathtaking views out there.
The more it hurt to see it burning.
"It’s ironic how I, of all others, survived the airstrike," she said, staring into emptiness. "I’m the only one who had no real military training." "This war doesn’t check your military record," he replied quietly.
"I’m the only one who had, and my unit was decimated, too."
"Does it just mean that we’re the unlucky ones to get our deaths delayed?" Silence was her answer. After a long pause, he spoke again. "We both know that our time here is finite, one way or another. But instead of focusing on that, let’s be grateful for what we’ve got, and let’s cherish every single second. Let’s make it count. We won’t have any chances if we give up now. We might if we don’t."
"Yes, Sir."



Characters: 1x non-N7 Human Female, 1x N7 Male
Weapons: Any (except Reegar Carbine and Cerberus Harrier)
Map: Firebase London
Enemy: Reapers
Difficulty: Gold or Platinum
Special Conditions: Missile usage is limited to Objective and Extraction waves, as well as for sync-kill prevention and revive facilitation.


Squad1: Standgeblase & RedLightning-N7S screen | video
Squad2: TheNightSlasher & SenorZanahoria screen

Squad3: SiLenT N7S & JheregJose-N7S video

Squad4: heLLion-N7S & bialakawa video

Squad5: bialakawa & Shady screen

Squad6: eng59land & JadeDragonMTR-N7S video

Squad7: muahmuah & SenorZanahoria-N7S video

Squad8: zapfacid-N7S & Gran_Calc-N7S video1 | video2

Squad9: biegoo-N7S & RedLightning-N7S video

Squad10: biegoo-N7S & FrootsPS video


Squad1: TheNightSlasher & SenorZanahoria screen

Squad2: CC-N7S & RedLightning-N7S screen | video | video

Squad3: dglammers & RedLightning-N7S screen | video

Squad4: yvettee & SenorZanahoria video | video

Squad5: ConsensusVox-N7S & Zelisificat-N7S video

Squad6: yyrael, Tentwen video

Squad7: ExLo05-N7S , JadeDragonMTR-N7S video

Squad8: eng59land & JadeDragonMTR-N7S video

Squad9: CrazyBiker-N7S & RedLightning-N7S video

Squad10: SiLenT N7S & e debs N7S video

Squad11: SiLenT N7S, Harbinger-N7S video

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