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Author: ConsensusVoice
Normandy is the dream ship for many soldiers to serve on, and many soldiers dream of being in Commander Shepard's squad. The war is brutal, and Commander may need help at any moment. But, Shepard's team is always three-person. So, all fleets and species started a new training program. They need to choose the best operatives who can work very fast and effectively in three-person squads and succeed in toughest circumstances.
"So, what about good old fire?" she asked. "Can I count on your help with this?"
"Of course," he nodded. "Good old fire, and then they'll have your Shockwave right into their ugly faces."
"Here comes the big BOOM!" she smirked.
"Freezing and shattering them would also be nice. I'll help with this."
"Look... Can I ask? You still think you'll be chosen to serve on this ship?" she inquired.
"Why not? This is our human ship. If I am good enough..."
"It is also of turian design, so turians will definitely try to get a place among Shepard's operatives."
"Not only turians, but also asari, salarians, quarians... all sentient species, even geth! The whole Galaxy wants to help Shepard. So, we humans have the same chance as anyone else."
"Well then, all that's left is to prove that you're the best of the best. Like Shepard is.
"We still need to survive first. So, grab your gear and stay focused. Let's blow them all up!"
Map: any (except Glacier, Giant, White and their Hazard versions)
Difficulty: Platinum only
Enemy: any
Team: Three teammates, the same species (only Asari, or Krogan, or Human, etc.), and they must be able to prime and detonate each other's combos/explosions. The whole squad must have at least two teammates with any detonating powers. Combos/explosions must be only fire and/or cryo and/or biotic. (If you accidentally hit tech burst in the game, it's still ok.) No restrictions about how to prime/detonate, you can prime with ammo, not only with powers.
Weapons: Reegar Carbine and Cerberus Harrier are not allowed.
Equipment: Disruptor Ammo is not allowed.
Cobra Missiles allowed only on Objective and Extraction waves. Full extraction required.
Squad1: hodonkain-N7S, Onomatopoeia-N7S, yvettee-N7S video
Squad2: Onomatopoeia-N7S, Vormav-N7S, yvettee-N7S video
Squad3: TheNightSlasher-N7S, Capta1nAsh, ConsensusVoice-N7S video
Squad4: TheNightSlasher-N7S, Sonashii, SenorZanahoria-N7S video 1 | video 2
Squad5: ConsensusVoice, yvettee-N7S, Onomatopoeia-N7S video 1 | video 2 | video 3
Squad6: SiLenT-N7S, LordOfBricks, Zilcs video
Squad7: bialakawa , Ogami, ConsensusVox-N7S video
Squad8: TheNightSlasher-N7S, Vormav-N7S, Shady-N7S video
Squad9: Shady-N7S, ConsensusVox-N7S, ExLo05-N7S video
Squad10: SiLenT N7S, Lord 0f Bricks-N7S, ll Fritos ll video
Squad11: SiLenT N7S, JheregJose-N7S, PapaJester video
Squad12: SiLenT N7S, MidnightTheOx, Lord 0f Bricks-N7S video
Squad13: SiLenT N7S, MidnightTheOx, JheregJose-N7S video
Squad14: SiLenT N7S, MidnightTheOx, e debs video
Squad15: SiLenT N7S, MidnightTheOx, Purple video
Squad16: SiLenT N7S, Lord 0f Bricks N7S, Purple video
Squad17: bialakawa, eng59land, JadeDragonMTR-N7S video 1 | video 2 | video 3
Squad 18: SiLenT N7S, N7 Vermin, e debs N7S video
Squad19: SiLenT N7S, SkullyBoii, Lord 0f Bricks N7S video
Squad20: 4Thessia-N7S, Yurui-N7S, Gran_Calc-N7S video
Squad21: SiLenT N7S, WarCrow, Purple-N7S video
Squad22: meh-N7S, zapfacid-N7S, Gran_Calc-N7S video1 | video2
Squad23 biegoo-N7S, Starick, Simulate-N7S video1 | video2
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