Event Author: N7S members and admins

The event started from 00:00 UTC 31.Dec.2024
and ended at 00:00 UTC 7.Jan.2025
All Squads who send completed video submissions to us at
#n7squad-activities forum channel under the NEW YEAR EVENT post within the time period mentioned above, will be rewarded with the "New Year's Fireworks" server tag.

Having just finished a difficult mission, Fireteam Gregorian was eager to share a few drinks and laughs to celebrate the end of a tough year.
At the end of the road was a quiet rendezvous point where the squad went to regroup and wait for extraction. It was there that the party kicked into motion.
Perhaps it was because they were too loud… or a little too preoccupied with festivities to notice…
Packs of Collector soldiers were suddenly flooding the LZ and converging on their location!
Yet another moment of peace interrupted; the team quickly scanned their surroundings to assess their weapons and equipment.
No way! Were those 2.2G classified ‘fireworks’ right here? And a whole crate of ‘sparklers’ and ‘rockets’?
Everyone quickly armed themselves with their new pyrotechnic toys before grouping up to fight the incoming horde.
“Well, I guess this is a new way to party…?” the Batarian chuckled, bemused, setting fire to an already-burning mob.
“YEAAAAH-HEH-HEH-HEH!” The Krogan was smashing a few heads in, too busy to reply properly.
“Exit! Go to ship now! Party is over!” the Vorcha snarled, pointing animatedly at an inbound cruiser.
“Are you ready? Let’s fire the last few rockets together!” the N7 Demolisher said as she distributed the remaining missiles to her friends.
Ring in the new year with a spectacular firework display—give these Collector gatecrashers a show worth dying for!
Team Setup: Trio(3) or Full(4)
Enemy: Collectors
Map: Firebase Rio or Firebase Giant Hazard
Difficulty: Gold or Platinum
Available Characters: 1x N7 Demolisher Engineer, 1x Krogan Soldier, 1x Batarian Soldier,
1x Vorcha Sentinel
Weapons: choose one per character:
1x Falcon Assault Rifle, 1x Scorpion Pistol, 1x Venom Shotgun, 1x Krysae Sniper Rifle
Suggested Gear: Armored Compartments and Grenade Capacity
Special Requirements: Characters and weapons can't be repeated,
N7 Demolisher Engineer is mandatory for Trio teams,
Everyone must have Grenade powers and Explosive Rounds!
Each player must keep at least one rocket and then fire it into the sky, just a few seconds before the extraction. Video recording of the entire match is required.